The end of BridgeBurners

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I would but I just put my account up for deletion in this much BS going on here....


I must return back to the thread which I created. So, Silver. Are you ready to go back to the playground yet? Did you actually read what Sniper and I warned you would happen? Censored accomplished the feat much sooner than I predicted.

You, like many others were lead down a path of utter destruction. Where are your trusted leaders now? They have set you up to fail completely. Congratulations Silver, you have allowed yourself to become nothing but a pawn.

"Build troops!" That's what app told you didn't he. Don't defend yourself. Don't learn to actually play the game. Don't grow your base. No, sacrifice yourself for absolutely nothing in the end but a sad diversion. Did App warn you that you were going down the wrong path? No, it was I and silver who did. Did app send you support to help you defend your base? Something tells me they were already committed to he next CS attack for himself.

Where is all your talk now Silver? You need to read what I have told you here again. You need to remember that of all the people in here, I was the one who said originally that you were a swell guy, remember? I have since changed my opinion. App is not your friend, he lead you down a foolish path of destruction for his own benefit. You were used and I warned you what would happen.

To the rest of BB:

You need to leave BB and let app get what is coming to him. Can you see now why so many people are against him Silver? Can you see now why so many people want to take him out?

He isn't serious about this server. He is only here to make a show and use you. When the going gets tougher, and it will starting now, he will bail and say that "Tau got more fun." You are a fool to follow him after all that has happened and been said.

you realize that you can very very very easily defend yourself with offensive troops....its the simplest thing in the world to backsnipe a cs if you can do math and count minutes and seconds. building troops is a defense even if it is offensive troops. but someone so "good" at this game would know that....


Backsniping is a losers game because first, your letting the CS land, and second you are hoping to attack them "Before" the support arrives which about half the time doesn't happen. Backsniping is a last ditch effort of a desperate nuke city, not the preferred defense method of the game.

But step up and take a leader position Keelee, show these noobs how its done and give Censored an even bigger advantage in the game.

it is real simple to land offensive units from the same city 1 sec behind a cs. of course you try and put defense in front of the cs but if its late it is the simplest thing to backsnipe with offensive units if you can count.

or is there some sin khan quote that says not too....


it is real simple to land offensive units from the same city 1 sec behind a cs. of course you try and put defense in front of the cs but if its late it is the simplest thing to backsnipe with offensive units if you can count.

or is there some sin khan quote that says not too....
+1 to this guy


Tell that to Silver Keelee. He was the one who bragged about how big a hitter he was.

You're an think I don't know already? I'll tell you the truth...Exit could have had my city no problem...he caught me sleeping. But he withdrew his attack after he was already set up in my city. I can't think of any other reason he would have done that other than to make you look stupid, so, I guess I should thank you Phaedo...buddy. Keep running your mouth. Entertain us some more.


Are you done running off at the mouth Phaedo? Are you done playing God and assuming the you know every frigging thing? Your statement suggests that you are in bed with Exit, wake up and have pillow talk every morning with you're real intimate with him and are privy to the man's thoughts and know everything about him. I DID talk to him Phaedo, and the story you got is not the story I just got, and I'll leave it at that.


Yeah definitely quitting grepo when Theta ends. I would never be able to play a new world if this is what it entails. This is a game not your life people. Don't get so worked up over it.

the whole server just hates silversmith now...they have to because Phaedo hates silversmith and Phaedo has MIND CONTROL and can PREDICT THE FUTURE and is in pursuit of WORLD DOMINATION!!!

This was the only entertaining thing in this thread.


He CS'd you to make you look bad noob and show you, BB, and the server that if he wanted to take you right now, he could, and did. Next time, when the tactics are right, your history. So long child.

No, actually..he didn't. BUT...I did feed you a bit of misleading information to show you just how much of a noob you are to your Sun Tzu tactics, allowing you to draw conclusions and as expected go and put your foot in your mouth and prove to all that everything you say is nonsense and speculation coming from a very disturbed and unstable individual. You see, what I said was that Exit had set up on me, He had biremes in my city...never a CS, which is what you concluded and then stated that he did. Again, professing to be the expert and all knowing. And his tactics? Not to humiliate Exit, but just to shut you up...he actually sent his support to the wrong city...his biremes were never supposed to go to my city. They were supposed to go somewhere else. Would you like to put your foot in your mouth for all of Grepolis to see some more? Or are you REALLY done now?
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Thanks for tipping your hand, another noob mistake by you...along with some weak back pedaling. Your a wash Fraedo, I don't know why you and Exit feel these external forums or anything on them could possibly damage the integrity of our alliance, as the majority of them don't even read it, but for the ones who do, I said you just tipped your hand so your grand scheme and master strategy is an epic fail anyways.


This dog is well fed, runs in a big pack, has no collar and has no leash. (Unless you count stinking NAP's)

Oh im sure you are......just eating up that BS that AD is feeding you and the rest of BB....Im not going to lie I was eating it up as well until I started putting 2 and 2 together and seen what ADs game really was.....No more Scooby snacks for good :)
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so strange.....

anyways back to "the end of bridgeburners"

according to grepointel it is 1-0 BB up, pretty sure i thought it was 1-1 (correct me if i am wrong)
BB is still ranked #2 in points, abp, and dbp. not really sure how its the end of BB because 3 people left the alliance.
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If you are smart you will send CATS with your CS because if you don't a gold spender will buid up his wall before you get there and you will not even get your CS in that city...And for your info their sir the only reason I dident conquer that city was because my alliance failed to help me clear the harbor so I ran into a wall of BRs if you looked at my attack report you would of seen that but I highly doubt you even know how to read a report correctly.....BUT anyhow the only reason I had just one city was because I listened to ADs nonsense about establishing a castle early on and telling me that he would conquer cities and gift them off to us alliance members....LOL...what a joke.

so basically you send a CS and then make a CS post and expect everyone just to be sitting around waiting to help you? BRO you are BAD! so bad!! lol if you want help give people some time make a CS PREP thread and get people to commit instead of just sending it willy nilly and hoping people are online and can help you / not already doing a CS elsewhere... you blame the alliance cause you cant land a CS 1st rule dont send a CS if you cant even clear the city or have dedicated support... i can tell this is your first world , your so bad! sooo sooo bad your a loser aswell for rage quitting we got the biggest laugh in byz so far and obviously we had the biggest drama queen (phaedo) also lol this is what we get for recruiting new people, dumb grep players with drama who expect everything done for them HAA you make me chuckle... go take your drama to another alliance , and go cry to them to clear every city you try to conquest lol sooo baaad


so basically you send a CS and then make a CS post and expect everyone just to be sitting around waiting to help you? BRO you are BAD! so bad!! lol if you want help give people some time make a CS PREP thread and get people to commit instead of just sending it willy nilly and hoping people are online and can help you / not already doing a CS elsewhere... you blame the alliance cause you cant land a CS 1st rule dont send a CS if you cant even clear the city or have dedicated support... i can tell this is your first world , your so bad! sooo sooo bad your a loser aswell for rage quitting we got the biggest laugh in byz so far and obviously we had the biggest drama queen (phaedo) also lol this is what we get for recruiting new people, dumb grep players with drama who expect everything done for them HAA you make me chuckle... go take your drama to another alliance , and go cry to them to clear every city you try to conquest lol sooo baaad

Is it my first world????...LOL...Ok if you want to think that :) But anyhow you apparently dident read all of the previous posts because if you did you would see that I clearly stated that there was a 3 hour CS landing time so if an alliance cant assemble some kind of clearing support within a 3 hour period in a LV 3 game speed server especially when the city that is being conquested is right smack in the middle of your alliances core then that isent much of an alliance and its a waist of time to be a part of that kind of organization...Please read all of the posts in this forum before making comments because you may miss out on important details and make yourself look like an idiot..

Have A Good Evening :)
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so basically you send a CS and then make a CS post and expect everyone just to be sitting around waiting to help you?


Some people will just never get it, what can you do?


Is it my first world????...LOL...Ok if you want to think that :) But anyhow you apparently dident read all of the previous posts because if you did you would see that I clearly stated that there was a 3 hour CS landing time so if an alliance cant assemble some kind of clearing support within a 3 hour period in a LV 3 game speed server especially when the city that is being conquested is right smack in the middle of your alliances core then that isent much of an alliance and its a waist of time to be a part of that kind of organization...Please read all of the posts in this forum before making comments because you may miss out on important details and make yourself look like an idiot..

Have A Good Evening :)

lol i read your lil 3 hour statement but i think you forgot to read my previous posts where i clearly said we may have others helping other CS attempts and troops may be wet , no we dont have enough to help everyone at the same time we constantly have units swimming so next time dont sit around and say "gee i hope i get help from everyone i really need it" learn how to make a CS prep thread / msg people to get 100% guaranteed support if you need it that bad it makes you it look like this is your first world...


lol i read your lil 3 hour statement but i think you forgot to read my previous posts where i clearly said we may have others helping other CS attempts and troops may be wet , no we dont have enough to help everyone at the same time we constantly have units swimming so next time dont sit around and say "gee i hope i get help from everyone i really need it" learn how to make a CS prep thread / msg people to get 100% guaranteed support if you need it that bad it makes you it look like this is your first world...

you know what i tend to find in grepolis over and over? the most casual player base in the world. honestly, you would think they cared a little more about accomplishing alliance goals (which in turn makes individual goals that much easier) and actually being a part of something bigger then yourself. the whole "gee i hope i get help from everyone i really need it" is the prevalent mindset I have had the displeasure of encountering over and over again. finally got a good group of motivated team players though, gotta say kudos to exit for finding such an awesome group of people who (for the most part) are in agreement that an alliance actually means something, not just "groups of people not working together".
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