Recent content by nigol

  1. Your last word is the second word in my sentence

    A cheer is fine, I respect Belle! BUT if she golds against me! I’d gold her to HELL! Now back to the boys little zeek and that shock!!, poor little timers! still using a sock!?
  2. Your last word is the second word in my sentence

    The story of sirens and gold, children and men
  3. Mythical Hen feedback thread

    Again my apologies. So now I don’t understand, you can show maturity by breaking up and still playing a game together, but lack maturity when dealing with fellow players.? More insults, this only works against you my friends. Reported. Anyway it seems I’m speaking to people well below my age...
  4. Mythical Hen feedback thread

    1. My apologies.. boyfriend then, I was mistaken but was sure he said girlfriend. Again apologies. 2. I’m sure it was your bf that called you his girl (it really doesn’t matter who said what or if it’s boyfriends or girlfriends the point is it’s easier to address you as a couple) for time...
  5. Mythical Hen feedback thread

    No, but I’m also aware you’re a couple. I was reading the threads where you mentioned shock was “your girl” so simple replying to one is the same as replying to both. Saves TIME as that’s actually valuable. I also don’t take kindly to insults or trolling and have reported that under forum rules...
  6. Mythical Hen feedback thread

    Very observant as I said that as soon as I spoke in the deleted thread! I’m using an alt. My name is literally login backwards, lol.. but ok I’m the retard. I joined here after seeing Mitch getting mentioned, then my old friend bacon joined. But very observant there Sherlock I was simply...
  7. Mythical Hen feedback thread

    My friend the most valuable thing In this world is time. All the money on earth can’t buy you a single second back! Who’s the one spending the most? Me with some paper or you with time, I can always make more paper ;)
  8. Mythical Hen feedback thread

    gold is part of the game lol? What a silly statement. That’s like saying let’s get rid of sirens because they’re used by people that have to much time on their hands, or “I can’t do it so they shouldn’t be allowed” type of attitude etc etc.. it’s childish. I’d actually like more in events that...
  9. Top 8: Sink or Swim

    From what I’ve seen in the threads removed we should maybe not keep poking Mako, maybe let’s just let him and his friends leave. Lol