
Maybe now we'll see some action lol.
It looks like, from stats, many of the larger alliances have split up with different agendas.
ASC is 1st now, but theyre almost maxed out at 100 members. If they can all stay active they'll be a powerful force.
TRA is the one i'd watch out for. they're at 3 with only 26 members. if they continue recruiting big players they'll move up in ranks.

Hopefully now everyone will start playing a little more strategically. When the wonders start everything will get crazy again and it wont matter who's killing everyone so much as who's got a stronghold to work from.


Rank Name Points Members Cities Avg. points per member Avg. points per city
1 Ascension 23,490,919 99 2,185 237,282 10,750
2 Lords of Titus 14,367,262 61 1,356 235,528 10,595
3 The Rebel Alliance 8,620,154 26 760 331,544 11,342
4 New Name Soon 8,483,163 65 944 130,510 8,986
5 In Andronici Memorandum 8,072,707 79 896 102,186 9,009
6 nEver 6,504,598 47 653 138,395 9,961
7 Indomitus 6,309,385 71 678 88,864 9,305
8 The Knight Hospitaller 6,242,520 57 681 109,517 9,166
9 Terra Nova 4,179,734 67 477 62,384 8,762
10 New World 3,472,322 64 421 54,255 8,247
11 OMEN 2,867,202 26 327 110,277 8,768
12 Over The Top 2,854,444 54 353 52,860 8,086
13 Warriors of Titus 2,656,544 79 386 33,627 6,882
14 Back in blacK 2,328,853 20 256 116,442 9,097
15 the pAth 1,629,079 72 245 22,626 6,649

I'm def not a tech genius. Here's the top grepostats. It almost pasted over perfectly lol.

Or see Zemina's link above ^^
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let's give it a few days and check back.
I feel another change in the air...


Well everything's about the same. Except Indomitus has moved to 6 and put nEver at 7.
From what I'm hearing it looks like some of the smaller alliances (ranking around the teens & 20s) are having problems staying together. Splitting an alliance right now doesn't seem to be a good decision unless you can get the big players with the support you need (and they've all just created their own large alliances with their own agendas).
Asc and lot seem to be some of the only originals left.
Rebel Alliance seems to be a mix, with some members of the TA. These guys, i think, could still be on top if they recruit in the right areas.
NNS has pretty much become the new Helghast, with many of its former top members leading.
IAM is another original. Seem to be working well with LOT. Though many don't seem to care for their style of "city surrender" for membership (looks popular with a few of the large alliances actually)
Indomitus seems to be made up of TA, but they haven't grown much since their founding

With all of the smaller alliances pacted together it'll be interesting to see what happens when the larger guys move in to take them over.

And again, I think the ranking at this point is all about who can recruit the active up and coming players from the smaller alliances.

Everyone's focused on 57, 66, 46, and that region while many able players are growing in 34, 35, & 36.
Securing a little known area could net you a wonder in the end.


1) There are no original alliances left, haven't been for a long time now.
2) The oldest alliance is currently LoT by one day, NNS (really a renamed Helghast with a few more players) comes in a close second. Ascension is relatively new compared to much of the top 12 due to being made as TA's academy after D12's collapse.
3) IAM was formed about a month after LoT and is part of the LIW family. Although I'm curious about this "city surrender" schtick.
4) TRA is mostly ex-TA&A, probably less than 5 members who might've not come from TA&A.
5) Indomitus is just TDA renamed.


Ha ha, rephrase: last of the original top 12 since i've been getting on the forum ;)


Used to be The Ancients by a large margin. Now Ascension leads with a not nearly as large margin but still fairly large. The 2nd place alliance, Lords of Titus, has a similar sized lead over the 3rd place alliance, The Rebel Alliance. The member counts are 98, 64, and 26 respectively, at the time of this post.

I should do a Top 12 again sometime.


Oh, Helghast is back on the map...that didn't take long lol.
Here's an update, though Zenima is the master at this...
Rank Alliance Points- # members

1 Ascension 23,471,167- 97
2 Lords of Titus 15,743,143- 64
3 The Rebel Alliance 8,929,028- 26
4 Helghast 8,760,239- 64
5 Indomitus 7,487,948- 99
6 In Andronici Memorandum 7,285,515- 71
7 nEver 6,772,230- 48
8 The Knight Hospitaller 6,491,965- 57
9 Terra Nova 4,320,341- 64
10 New World 3,606,339- 64


Explain me one thing. What's the benefit of being 50-60+ players in an alliance?
On the Norwegians worlds, most alliances consist of 15-25 players each.
The highest alliance limit we've had so far is about 100 I think but that was on of the first worlds.
Only 5 of 12 worlds here in Norway are closed but we are only like 2-3,000 players in total unlike here in U.S
Our Hero World only has like 150 players and yours haven't even opened yet :rolleyes:
The fastest world(Speed 5) we have started last year and is already at the World Wonder stage.

But still, please explain the benefits with large alliances..
I don't see one..


Explain me one thing. What's the benefit of being 50-60+ players in an alliance?
On the Norwegians worlds, most alliances consist of 15-25 players each.
The highest alliance limit we've had so far is about 100 I think but that was on of the first worlds.
Only 5 of 12 worlds here in Norway are closed but we are only like 2-3,000 players in total unlike here in U.S
Our Hero World only has like 150 players and yours haven't even opened yet :rolleyes:
The fastest world(Speed 5) we have started last year and is already at the World Wonder stage.

But still, please explain the benefits with large alliances..
I don't see one..

The US servers are still new. A lot of us don't have Wonder Age experience and "most" of us are still trying to win "now" instead of "later". This server has been very gridlocked with NaPs and Pacts for a long time now. Which gives the option to recruit openly regardless of experience or skill. I think the US servers are coming along, but it's obvious there is still a lot to be learned about this terribly long process. Eventually, we will get there.


We're americans bigger is better... 'merica.

In all honesty I think it's because alliances are tending to pick up players in a whole ocean and make them their boundaries thinking this will protect their core. Plus it tends to bring in more different personal play types such as an offensive player, defensive player, and players who are up at different times to react to situations.


As the US players get more experienced, they will learn the benefits with a small, compact,experienced and active alliance instead of a large, half-active alliance that doesn't co-operate properly...

P.S: I have started on Alpha again... :p


LOL, helghast back on the map? pfttt if it wouldn't wouldn't be for fairwinds supplying and playing defense for helghast, they couldn't defend theirself.
Fairwinds is probably one of the best defenders I've seen within the game, that alone is helghast strength. For when it comes to pounding out a target, they are beginning to fall short with the loss of key players over the course of the last few months. Along within, when their key players who love to play offense are being forced to play defence, they loose the abiltity to send massive strikes like they once did.
Without expansion they end up starving their self within the ocean they started in as they are loosing the battle front in 64 and are finding a battle on every front now.


I beg to differ. 50 members is ok. Having more people doesn't mean they are inactive. If there is 20 actives and experienced player in my ocean I would have 20 people. If there were 100, I'd take 100