Update to V2.112 - Changelog


Changelog 2.112

Dear Community,

On May 18th, 2016, we will update Grepolis to Version 2.112. Below are a list of changes we plan to make.


This version includes couple of improvements and bug fixes for the "Highlight options" window on the strategic map.
Additionally your player name will be displayed on the world selection page and the award "Victim" cannot be gained any more.

Furthermore you should lose less land units in your breakthrough attacks from now on since we had a bug in the calculation of how many units actually will break through to the shore.

New feature

  • The award "Victim" will be deactivated with this version. The award will stay in the game, but it will not be possible to gain this award any longer.
  • Your player name will be displayed above the world selection.


  • The "Profile" menu item in the UI will open your profile now. If you want to edit your profile, you can select the tab "Edit profile".


  • Game Design decided to allow founding cities only with your colo ship without the need to send additional units. This counts only for founding cities as there is no attack happening.

  • After joining an alliance the players flag color will automatically be changed to the color of the alliance.
  • Fixed some quest guidance arrow problems.
  • Fixed the display problem that new towns (especially founded ones) were not displayed on the map. This problem occurred only in our App and is fixed with this browser update.


  • There was a malfunction after trying to enter special chars to resources input boxes in the market place or in the trade screen. Now the value gets automatically set to 0.
  • The quest log button did not disappear after completing the last quest.
  • While having multiple town info windows open for different players, changing the flag color for one of them changed also the color of the other player. Same problem occurred for alliances.
  • Now you can again edit your own created sub-menus in your premium "quick bar".
  • While manually creating a new reservation for a player by typing the player name, the player id was filled automatically into the input box instead of the name.
  • When choosing the "breakthrough" attack mode naval units fight 50% weaker but you should loose less land units compared to the normal attack mode. There was a bug in the calculation of how many units can break through. We fixed this now.
  • It is possible again to change the text color in messages and forum posts.
  • You can change again the colors for enemies and pact members although you have no pacts or enemies.

Please feel free to leave us feedback about the Changelog here.

Best regards,
Your Grepolis Team



I think the founding change is pretty neat. Another similar change that I think would be cool would be if you can send a CS to an enemy city with no transports for your units if the city is on the same island as that of which you are CSing from. Not to sure if that is a broken idea but it seems reasonable.


Please continue being useless. Tell us when you get rid of those ridiculous banners and the quick login pop ups are removed from the game screen. If you can do that, you'll almost be useful.


I feel you need to find a way for gold purchases to be utilized immediately...you deduct the money from n ccount immedistely nd you should be able to utilize it s well not 60 days later


The construction queue for ships still gets stuck where the first ship is built but doesn't clear the queue so the second ship doesn't get built.Screenshot_3 construction queue.jpg