You're Banned from the Forum


Banned because you made my head explode trying to decipher if your post has correct grammer. (Which I still don't know by the way.)


Banned because you made my head explode trying to decipher if your post has correct grammer. (Which I still don't know by the way.)

I think it does, meaning he is: banning you to making signatures forever. He meant:

Banned for making signatures. So grammar is correct, but his word choice was incorrect for his thought.


Banned for accusing another member for making his head explode in which your head did not explode given that you wrote out another forum message so you are banned for lying about physical injury and/or death and also for trying to decipher his message to see if it was indeed 'correct' and then came up with no result and THEN I ban you for not giving a definite answer as you stated you did not know so you are banned 3 times: lying, faking bodily injury/death, and for not giving definite answers.


Baned for calling a member out on their hypocrisy about not having a sig whereas that member did not have a sig so he is a hypocrit so I ban you for being hypocritical as well and considering that last 8 posts do not have sigs either I ban you for causing a sig chaos of hypocrisy and I also ban you for counting if there were 8 posts